Community Events


Calender Entries for June 2024

To apply for an event to be included in the Community events Calendar, please contact or and remember to include all the details about your event. 

Thursday - 13th June 2024

  • Banwell Women’s Institute ‘Floral Posy making - Banwell village Hall Time: 7.30-9.00

    Banwell Womens Institute invite you to join us at Banwell Village Hall 7.30-9pm 

    Floral posy demonstration, members will then be asked to make a floral display of there own which will be judged .



    Flower of the month competition 

    Foodbank donation 

    Bring and buy table 

    New members always welcome.
    annual membership this year is just £33 for the year this includes 8 magazines, free membership of The Community ScrapStore and discounts at several local stores.
    Visitors  to include refreshments  £4

    If this is something that you would like more information on please contact our President Vivienne Bailey by email

  • Thursday - 20th June 2024

  • You Can Do I.T.!Time: 2pm-4pm

    Tech Support Sessions: You Can Do I.T! Banwell Parish Council Logo. National Lottery Community Fund logo.

    Are you a complete I.T. beginner wanting to learn from scratch? Do you know your way around a computer, but want to brush up on your digital skills? Or do you have a specific tech question you'd like to ask our experts? If yes, then you might like to come along to our digital inclusion sessions!

    You Can Do I.T is open to anyone of all ages looking to improve their I.T. skills.

    You can bring your own devices or use ours. 

    Sessions take place at Banwell Youth & Community Centre. Tea and coffee will be available.

    Sessions are free. If you would like to attend, please contact Liz on (01934) 820442 or email

  • Friday - 21st June 2024

  • Banwell Amateur Dramatics present - Another Double DoseTime: 7:00pm