Community Events


Calender Entries for September 2024

To apply for an event to be included in the Community events Calendar, please contact or and remember to include all the details about your event. 

Thursday - 12th September 2024

  • Banwell Women's Institute Quiz Night - Banwell Village Hall Time: 7.30 - 9.00 pm

    Banwell members will be having a quiz evening at Banwell Village Hall, followed by a pasty supper. Members are asked to bring in a jar of home made chutney will be judged towards the 'Produce Cup.' 

    There will be a raffle, refreshments, bring and buy table and food bank donations. 

    Membership is £33 pro rata, which includes free magazines, membership to the Community Scrapstore, store discounts. 
    Visitors are welcome £4.

    For more information please contact: Vivienne Bailey, President, by email: