Terracycle Recycling Point at Banwell Y.C.C.

Biscuit & Snack Wrapper Recycling Point in Banwell
Following on from the success of our Confectionary Wrapper recycling point, Banwell Parish Council will now be hosting a Biscuits & Snacks Wrappers terracycle recycling point at the Y.C.C. on West Street.
This recycling point can accept any brand of wrappers from biscuits, crackers and cakes (e.g. Penguin bars, digestive biscuits, Jaffa cake bars etc.).
This recycling point cannot accept chocolate bar wrappers (e.g. Mars bars, kit-kats, etc.) or any “inside” plastic trays as they are made from a different material.
Our bright green terracycle recycling bin is located outside the centre at the end of West Street Car Park. You can drop of your clean wrappers at any time, but please be sure to secure the lid down tightly - we do not want any extra litter flying around that could harm wildlife!
Please be aware that we will no longer be accepting confectionary recycling at this point, as this recycling programme has now ended.
Will you be using the recycling point? Let us know if you do!
At this point in time, we can only accept biscuit and snack wrapper recycling. Banwell Sustainability Group is investigating broad soft plastic recycling in future.