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banwell in the snowBanwell Parish Council E-Newsletter


Welcome to the December edition of the Banwell Parish Council E-Newsletter! Thank you for signing up either via our website or during the E-Newsletter survey you filled out. We will email you with quarterly Parish Council news, keeping you in the loop on Council decisions, initiatives, events, and opportunities.

Banwell parish council wishes you a merry christmas and happy new year

Covid Community Response

At the beginning of the pandemic, a team of local resident co-ordinators was set up for every street assisted by volunteers to run errands, shop, collect medicines or just a chat on the phone.  To find out who your street co-ordinator is or if you want to be a volunteer, contact Liz on (01934) 820442 or email

Thank you to members of the community that donated time, food and or money towards the following COVID-19 initiatives:

Banwell Youth Club

banwell youth club entry £1

Bored after school? Come along to Banwell Youth Club! The numbers are going from strength to strength and there is an exciting range of activities planned, from baking to NERF, and parties to gaming. There are regular Tuesday sessions between 6:30 and 8:30pm term time for 10-18 year olds. See the Banwell Youth Club Facebook page for more details:

Banwell Youth & Community Centre 

banwell community centreBanwell Youth & Community Centre is now open. Activities include Forest School, Parish Council Meetings, Citizens Advice, Youth Club and more. To book the centre and for full details of the timetable, head to our Youth & Community Centre webpage. 

Events and Initiatives

Banwell Christmas Market with christmas trees, sleighs and reindeer

Banwell Christmas Market: Help us support local businesses this festive season by buying in Banwell this Christmas! Come along to the Christmas Market on the 4th December 11am – 4pm at Banwell Youth & Community Centre on West Street. Rumour has it there will be a Santas Grotto and Father Christmas will be visiting! He is asking residents to bring an unwrapped gift along for disadvantaged children for the Salvation Army Christmas Present Appeal. We are especially keen to receive gifts for children aged 7 and older. Everyone is welcome to the Christmas market. Lunch and refreshements will be available on the day.

Christmas Food Club: Both this Summer and Easter, the Parish Council ran a food club where local Banwell chefs and residents taught us how to cook a new recipe. The Food Club will be back with a Christmas theme from the 20th -23rd December. Tune in for Christmas food inspiration! Previous sessions are still available on the Banwell Parish Council’s YouTube channel. The recipes and links to the videos can be found on the Parish Council Website.

image of collage of all illuminated windows across banwell

Window Wanderland: This October, Banwell held its first Window Wanderland event.  The streets of Banwell were transformed into illuminated art for everyone to enjoy.You can view all the “wanderful” displays on the Banwell Parish Council Facebook page. The Parish Council are considering running similar community events in the future and welcome any feedback via the event feedback survey form. Please fill this out online, or hard copies can be made available on request by contacting Daisy on  Survey feedback form link:

Tea & Tech: Our last three Tea & Tech session have been a great success. The feedback from participants was excellent, as such we are planning another session few sessions in the new year. The sessions invlove learning more about your own digital devices, or borrowing one of ours over a chat, tea and cake. The next sessions will be held between 2-4pm January 25th, February 22nd and March 29th at Banwell Youth & Community Centre. Read more about the session on our Tea & Tech Webpage.

The Walking Buddies Programme: you can sign up as a volunteer walking buddy or request someone to walk with you.

Citizens Advice Appointments: Skip the queues and book a pre organised session at the Y.C.C. 

Speed Prevention Initiatives: Including community speed watch and speed activated signs. 

you can do it poster with cartoon computers and mobile phones

You Can Do I.T:   You Can Do I.T’ is open to anyone of all ages looking to improve their I.T skills over a cup of tea. Sessions will be held twice a month from January 2022 at Banwell Youth & Community Centre, Thursdays 2-4pm. Bring your own device or use the ones provided. Contact us to book. 

  • 6th  January: exploring digital devices.

  • 20th  January: setting up and using email.

  • 3rd February: avoiding scams.

  • 17th February: online shopping.

Zoom booth, digital devices and free wifi: Did you know that Banwell Youth & Community Centre has FREE WiFi and a quiet space for you to connect remotely for advice, training & health services?  Our Zoom Booth can be booked by contacting the Clerk or using our new electronic booking system.

Jubilee 2021: The Community picnic will be held on the 5th June 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. After the success of Banwell’s first Window Wanderland in October 2021, there will also be a Jubilee Wanderland trail in June! Keep an eye on the Parish Council’s website, social media and the Parish magazine for updates. If you would like to get involved in organising the Jubilee events in Banwell, consider joining in with the Jubilee Working Party. The next meeting shall be held on the 10th January 2022. 

Craft & Chat: A very successful Craft and Chat group is up and running at the Youth & Community Centre. Join them Monday 2pm until 4pm for a chat and optional bring-your-own arts & crafts.  Everyone welcome. Phone Sue on (07737) 176239 for more details

Please note the Community Picnic and Great British Spring Clean have been postponed to 2022. Visit the Community Events Calander on our website for regular updates. 

Bag It & Bin IT

Image from Keep Britain Tidy of a fairy carrying a dog poo bag saying " there is no such things as the dog poo fairy"Banwell Parish Council has joined forces with North Somerset Council to wage war against irresponsible dog owners who do not pick up after their pets. To report an offence to North Somerset Council, either fill in the online form at or call 01934 888802. Read more about the Bag It & Bin It Campaign. 

Contact your Councillors  

You can read all about your councillors and contact them on the Banwell Parish Councillors webspage. 

The Parish Office is located at the Youth & Community Centre (at the bottom of West Street Carpark) and is open to parishioners on Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am until 12 noon – no appointment needed. The Clerk is happy to see you at any other time if this isn’t convenient, just call (01934) 820442 or email

Parish Council Website

Banwell Parish Council would like to remind you of their website.  To find out the latest information on the bypass go to bypass. 

The website also allows the Council freedom to create community pages.  So, if you have a community group that currently has no website and are interested in having a page, please contact the Clerk on 820442 or email

Parish Council Social Media

Follow and get in touch with the Parish Council via social media on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Youtube. 


Contact Us
Banwell Parish Council
Banwell Parish Council Youth and Community Centre,
West Street, Banwell, North Somerset. BS29 6BD
T: 01934 820442 (Parish Clerk)
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