Welcome to the late Summer Edition of our E-Newsletter! We hope you have been able to enjoy the summer months and spend time with family and friends. If you have any photos of Banwell and any local events you have attended, we would love for you to send them to us. In this edition of the newsletter, you can see the events and initiatives that are planned over the coming months. From our Banwell village Summer Clean on 23rd September to the Banwell Christmas Market and everything in between, there really is something for everyone! Have a browse of this newsletter and the website www.banwellparishcouncil.org.uk to find out more.
Your Parish Council
You can find out more about your Parish Councillors on banwellparishcouncil.org.uk/parish-council/your-councillor
Contact Your Parish Council
- Call us on 01934 820442
- Email us on clerk@banwellparishcouncil.org.uk
- Message us via our website www.banwellparishcouncil.org.uk
- Visit us at Banwell Youth & Community Centre Tues & Thurs 10am-12noon*
- Follow and contact us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Send us a letter to Banwell Parish Council Youth and Community Centre, West Street, Banwell, BS29 6BD.
- Attend a Council meeting online on zoom, Facebook Live or in person.
*The Parish Office is located at the Youth & Community Centre (at the bottom of West Street Carpark) and is open to parishioners on Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am until 12 noon.
Welcome to our 2 new Councillors!
 We would like to welcome onto the Parish Council, Kelly Smith, a lifelong Banwell resident and Steve Voller, who many will know from his work supporting the Banwell Bypass.
As we all know, the heart of a community lies in its people, and the strength our Parish Council is in the diversity and dedication of its members. With Kelly and Steve’s appointment, we now have a full complement of Councillors who are passionate, committed and eager to make a positive impact on our community.
Community Picnic and Summer Market
Saturday 1st July saw the Banwell Community Picnic and Summer Market. A big THANK YOU to all the local traders who attended, and all of you who came along to enjoy the day and purchase some fantastic fare. Also, thanks to the WI who did a wonderful job providing tea, coffee and cakes.
The day was blustery and wet, but we still had many visitors and even managed some games on the field!

After the success of our Spring Clean, we are organising a Summer Clean, so dust off your boots and come and join us to tidy up our village. We will be litter picking, sweeping, and cleaning the village ready for the Autumn.
We will meet at the Youth and Community Centre at the bottom of the West Street carpark on 23rd September at 10am to 12pm. All equipment will be supplied – just bring weather appropriate clothing and a can-do attitude! Refreshments provided.
Christmas Market and Gift Donations
Help us support local businesses in Banwell by coming along to Banwell's Christmas Market! #BuyInBanwell. Saturday 2nd December, 11am-4pm at Banwell Youth & Community Centre and the Scout Building at the bottom of West Street Car Park. We will have lots of stalls from local businesses and organisations, refreshments and even a Santa's Grotto.
We are also accepting donated unwrapped gifts to give to children that might not be lucky enough to have a Christmas present. We will pass any donated gifts on to the Salvation Army who will distribute them. You can donate gifts up until the 13th of December at Banwell Youth & Community Centre on West Street.
Banwell Christmas Window Trail

Save the date! Take part in Banwell’s Christmas Window Trail! Running from 14th Dec to 17th Dec, it’s our chance to brighten the dark evenings and bring some cheer to the village! It's being run in conjunction with the St Andrews Christmas Tree Festival.
You can decorate your window using anything from fairy lights to making your own tissue paper decoration. We'll share more information over the coming months on the website, social media and the noticeboards, so keep an eye out and get ready to sign up to make your window a work of art!
The Happy to Chat Bench is waiting for you!
It's in the Recreation ground opposite the village hall, and it has just been refurbished thanks to a contribution from Alun Griffiths. It is there for us all, when we feel like chatting, but no-one is around, we can take a seat and wait for people to come and say hello.
Many thanks to Mike Bailey for making it like new again - the ironwork and wood look amazing - and very comfy! Also, thanks go to Cllr Harding and Russ Shayler for installing it, and Print Hive in Weston Super Mare for the sign.
Don't forget to take a seat and chat away if someone is already there and waiting!
New! Book Borrow and Swap

Come along to the Banwell Youth and Community Centre on Thursday and alternate Tuesdays between 10am 1pm and choose a new book to learn something new or just while away the time.
We have loads of books to choose from for all. Come along and swap a book you’ve already read for something new. You can also just come along and borrow one.
The Book Swap is open to all – and while you are browsing, why not have a cup of tea and take advantage of the Public Living Room, which is at the same time.
Walking Buddies Programme
Don’t forget we have our ‘Walking Buddy Programme’. If you lack motivation to go for walks, are nervous to begin walking on your own or simply want to walk in company, then contact the Parish Office to sign up for a walking buddy to walk with you.
Want to support your community? You can sign up as a ‘Walking Buddy Volunteer’ to help people in Banwell to get out and about for a stroll around the village. You will be matched up with an individual who has requested a walking buddy to provide company and support whilst out on walks around Banwell. Contact the Parish Office to sign up as a volunteer – all welcome.
There's plenty on at the Banwell YCC
The Youth and Community Centre is YOUR community centre. Located at the bottom of the West Street carpark, opposite the primary school, many local groups and organisations run interesting and fun activities here.
From a North Somerset toddler group, the Public Living Room to regular digital skills sessions, there is something for everyone. See below for information on what’s on and how to book.
Tea & Tech/You Can Do I.T.
Tea and Tech sessions involve free digital advice at Banwell Youth & Community Centre. All ages and abilities are encouraged to come along! Upcoming session dates: Sept 14th, 26th & 28th, Oct 12th, 26th & 31st, Nov 9th, 23rd & 28th and Dec 7th & 21st. New participants are always welcome, no experience required. If you want to learn something new or simply love to have tea and a chat, then contact Liz to book your spot (01934) 820442.
Join the Crochet Corner Ladies at the Public Living Room

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am until 1pm. Whether you can crochet or not, wish to learn or want somewhere to knit / learn about diamond painting or just want to sit and chat then come along.
Banwell Children’s Centre / Youth & Community Centre
10 – 11:30am North Somerset Wildlife Warriors
2-4pm Craft & Chat
7pm Planning Committee meeting (1st Monday of the mont
7:30pm Banwell Parish Council (3rd Monday of the month)
10am – 12 Banwell Parish Council Public Opening Hours
10am – 1pm Banwell Public Living Room & Crochet Corner
2-4pm (monthly) Tea & Tech
6:30 – 8:30pm Banwell Youth Club (Term time only)
10am - 12 Banwell Parish Council Public Opening Hours
10am – 1pm Banwell Public Living Room & Crochet Corner
2pm – 4pm Twice a month ‘You Can Do I.T. Sessions
The Youth & Community Centre is available for hire outside of these times Monday to Friday £12 an hour Saturday and Sunday £14 an hour. https://venuehire.scribeaccounts.com/Banwell-Parish-Council-

Follow Banwell Parish Council on Social Media
Facebook: @BanwellParishCouncil Instagram: @BanwellParishCouncil Twitter: @BanwellPc YouTube: Banwell Parish Council.