Speed Reports
Speed prevention initiatives
As you may be aware, the Parish Council is concerned about the speed cars travel through the centre of Banwell. Evidence suggests that most people are not aware that they are speeding due to complacency and familiarity. The Parish Council has therefore two initiatives aimed at reminding drivers of local speed restrictions.
The Vehicle Activated Speed Sign purchased by the Parish Council is continuing to be moved around the village. At present we have agreed three agreed sites and the sign is rotated between these locations. The following data have been received; East Street 3042 Castle Hill 3038 Knightcott Road 4111
These readings are the average daily amounts that vehicles are travelling over 30mph. These readings are then passed to the Police and North Somerset.
A Community Speed Watch Team has been set up. Speed Watch is only undertaken during the day, in dryish weather for maximum of an hour. At present we have identified speed watch sites along Knightcott Road and Wolvershill Road and are looking for volunteers to monitor both areas. The initial training is now online at https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/services/watch-community-schemes/community-speedwatch/community-speedwatch-knowledge-check/ It is a short video followed by multi-choice questions which in total takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Additional training will be given on site enabling you to use the equipment and meet other volunteers. So, if you or anybody you know has an hour a month to spare then please contact the Clerk. The more people we can encourage to participate the better coverage we can have.
Speed Sign Reports
For the last 6 weeks, our speed sign has been out on East Street recording speeds. The top speed was 80mph. This information is shared with the police to help them determine where to put their official speed cameras.
Location: East Street
Period: 16/10/22 to 27/11/22
Vehicles: 135,084 – Entering Banwell
Max Speed: 75 Mph 12:50 hrs Friday 18/11/22
Excessive speeds: 5 at 70 Mph, 20 at 65 Mph, 56 at 60Mph, 275 at 55 Mph, 1062 at 50 Mph, 4,606 at 45 Mph and 16,770 at 40 Mph