Get to Know your Council

What is Banwell Parish Council, what is its role and who are your Councillors?
The Council is running a "Get to Know Your Council" campaign. Follow us on our social media platforms Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to hear more about your Council.
The Role of Banwell Parish Council
The Parish Council is the closest tier of government to the community and is often the first point of call for local queries. A small amount of your Council tax goes to the Parish Council to enable community projects, services and initiatives to take place, although grant funding is also sought. The work of the Parish Council includes provision of services, giving the community a voice and improving quality of life.
You can find out more about the role of the Parish Council on our YouTube Channel, where Liz (Clerk to Council) has provided a summary: Welcome to Banwell Parish Council Video.
Who are your Parish Councillors?
We currently have 11 Councillors and have 1 vacancy. Many Parish Councillors join for a key interest, such as community projects, planning or the environment, but end up getting inspired by all sorts of Banwell related topics! You can read all about each Councillor and thier roles on the "Your Councillors" page.
You can also hear from some of our Councillors direct on our YouTube Channel:
Meet Cllr Paul Harding (video)
Meet Cllr Paul Blatchord (video)
Meet Cllr Maggie McCarthy (video)
Meet Cllr Steve Davies (video)
Meet Cllr Steve Voller (video)
Meet Cllr Matt Thomson (video)
Who are the Council employees?
The Council currently employs 2 members of Staff: Liz (Clerk to Council) and Daisy (Communications, Marketing and Grant Funding Officer.
The role of the Communications Officer (video).
What does Banwell Parish Council do?
It is easy to confuse the role of North Somerset Council and other organisations with the role of Banwell Parish Council. Here is a basic guide to the services/initiatives Banwell Parish Council provides
Banwell Parish Council's Services/Role include:
Youth Club
Street Lights (some)
Youth & Community Centre
Speed reduction initiatives
Food Club initiatives
Support Banwell Food Bank
Riverside Play Area and Rec
Covid Support
Community Picnic
Dog Bins
To find out who is responsible for services other than the above by opening the Services provided by other bodies document.
How can you get involved with the Banwell Community?
The Parish Council always welcome ideas from the residents of Banwell. If you would like to get involved with Council projects, initiatives and decision making, consider volunteering for projects and/or attending our Parish Council meetings. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, keep an eye out on our website for vacancies.
Your Council Tax Precept 2024/25 Explained
The primary source of income for most Parish Councils comes from the Precept, part of the Council Tax. We hope to explain the contribution you make to the Parish Council through your Council tax and how it is spent.
The Parish Council receives a small proportion of the local Council Tax. It does not receive any direct funding from Central Government. The funding collected pays for the running of the Council and the services it provides.
The Parish Council makes an estimate of income and expenditure for the next financial year, including some for future planned projects and/or unexpected events. It is then calculated as an amount per Council Tax Band D Property and added to the Council Tax Bill of all the dwellings within the Parish area.
North Somerset Council collects your Council Tax on behalf of themselves, Police, Fire and the precepts for any Parish/Town Councils in their district. It is important to note that Banwell Parish Council’s precept is just a small percentage of your overall Council Tax Bill.
Your precept is spent on maintaining the provision of all facilities and services the Parish Council offers.