Welcome to the Spring Edition of our E-Newsletter! The dark winter evenings are begining to lighten and the first signs of flowers are popping up around Banwell. Look out for the first signs of spring around the village, such as snowdrops, blossom on trees and buzzing bees! If you have any photos, we would love for you to send them to us. Your council and community are planning lots of exciting events and initiatives over the Spring season. Have a browse of this newsletter to find out more.
Your Parish Council
You can find out more about your Parish Councillors and contact them on the "Your Parish Councillors" webpage. They are a friendly bunch and are always happy to hear from you!
There are so many ways you can contact your Parish Council:
Call us on 01934 820442
Email us on clerk@banwellparishcouncil.org.uk
Message us via our website www.banwellparishcouncil.org.uk
Visit us at Banwell Youth & Community Centre Tues & Thurs 10am-12noon*
Follow and contact us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Send us a letter to Banwell Parish Council Youth and Community Centre, West Street, Banwell, BS29 6BD.
Attend a Council meeting online or in person (we are working on Facebook live streaming our meetings).
*The Parish Office is located at the Youth & Community Centre (at the bottom of West Street Carpark) and is open to parishioners on Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am until 12 noon – no appointment needed. The Clerk is happy to see you at any other time if this isn’t convenient, just call (01934) 820442 or email clerk@banwellparishcouncil.org.uk
Become a Parish Councillor
Are you looking for a way to boost your CV, gain local government experience or simply give back to your community? If you want to help make Banwell its best and are over 18, then apply to become a Parish Councillor! Our councillors are a friendly bunch who will welcome you with open arms. Elections will be taking place on Thursday 4th May 2023. If you are keen to put yourself forward, you will need to submit a completed nomination paper by 4pm on Tuesday 4th April. Full details and nominations papers can be found on the Banwell Parish Council website. We cannot wait to hear from you!
Banwell Bypass plans unanimously approved by North Somerset Planning and Regulatory Committee
March 15th: The North Somerset Planning and Regulatory Committee unanimously approved the plans for the Banwell Bypass. This is a significant step on the journey to the completion of the bypass and the decision to approve was supported by all members of the committee who represent the interests of residents across North Somerset.
Paul Blatchford, Banwell Parish Council Chairman, said, ‘ The need for the bypass is clear; safer roads, improved air quality and new and improved active travel within Banwell and to surrounding villages. Thank you to those who spoke yesterday in support of the application. The unanimous agreement of all members of the North Somerset's Planning and Regulatory Committee confirms the need for this bypass which has been talked about for almost 100 years and can now move to the final planning stages.’
The Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) that allows acquisition of land needed to build the bypass is due to be considered by the Secretary of State at a public inquiry expected to take place in the summer. It is not unusual for the CPO on a large project like the Banwell bypass to go to inquiry and this has long been factored into project timelines.
For more information on this and the bypass plans visit: www.n-somerset.gov.uk/banwellbypass
Events & Initiatives
Banwell Youth Club

Bored after school? Come along to Banwell Youth Club! The club is open and being run by YMCA Dulverton and there is an exciting range of activities planned for their regular Tuesday sessions between 6:30 and 8:30pm. New members always welcome. See the Banwell Youth Club Facebook page for more details: www.facebook.com/banwellyouthclub
Speedwatch Volunteers
Speed Watch is undertaken during the day, in dry (ish!) weather for a maximum of one hour. At present we have identified speed watch sites along Knightcott Road and Wolvershill Road and are looking for volunteers to monitor both areas. The initial training is now online on the Avon & Somerset Police Website. Training involves a short video followed by multi-choice questions which in total takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Additional training will be given on site enabling you to use the equipment and meet other volunteers. If you or anybody you know has an hour a month to spare, then please contact the Clerk. The more people we can encourage to participate the better coverage we can have. Help us keep Banwell safe!
Wash & Squash: Recycling 101

Thank you to all our residents who are recycling everything they can! Don’t forget to “Wash and Squash” your recycling. Washing your recycling not only reduces contamination at the recycling plant but could also save our wildlife and pets. Animals like hedgehogs, cats, foxes, and badgers are attracted to left over food residue in your recycling. This can lead to cuts, injuries and even death. Squashing your recycling saves precious space in both your recycling boxes and on the recycling lorries. Squashing means we can recycle even more! Want to learn more about recycling in Banwell? Head to the North Somerset Council recycling page or contact us.
Banwell Great British Spring Clean 22nd April
Banwell Parish Council is backing a national campaign to get half a million people out and about to clean up their local communities in March and April. As part of this support for the country’s biggest-ever community clear up, Banwell Parish Council is seeking volunteers to take part in an organised litter-pick, weeding and sign cleaning event throughout the village.
Due to the weather / Easter, this year’s Banwell Spring Clean falls on EARTH DAY Saturday 22nd April 2023 10am until midday, meeting at Banwell Youth & Community Centre at the bottom of West Street Car-Park. Refreshments included.
The Great British Spring Clean is about everyone working together to clean up the litter that blights our landscape, communities and harms our wildlife. The clean up brings passionate people together to tackle litter. All equipment will be provided on the day. If you wish to set up your own clean up, please visit the Keep Britain Tidy Website.
You Can Do I.T. & Tea & Tech
Tea and Tech sessions involve free digital advice, for example, using apps, online shopping and using Facebook! It all depends on what YOU want to learn. Come along to Banwell Youth & Community Centre to improve your skills and learn new ones. All ages and abilities are encouraged to come along! Upcoming session dates: 9th March, 23rd March, 28th March. New participants are always welcome, no experience required. If you want to learn something new or simply love to have tea and a chat, then contact Liz to book your spot (01934) 820442.
Terracycle: Wrapper Recycling

Banwell Parish Council has set up a Terracycle recycling station at the Youth & Community Centre for you to recycle any brand of sweet/chocolate pouches and wrappers. The bright green bin is located outside the centre at the end of West Street car park. You can drop of your clean wrappers any time. Be sure to secure the lid down tightly - we do not want any extra litter flying around that could harm wildlife (if we experience litter issues, we will be relocating the station indoors). At this point in time, we can only accept clean confectionary wrappers and pouches. Banwell Sustainability Group is investigating broader soft plastic recycling in future.
Notices and Updates
Community Pages and Community Events
Did you know that Banwell Parish Council has a section on its website for community pages and community events? We also have a Local Business Directory. If you have a community group, business, event, club or initiative in Banwell that you would like to put on our website, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with Daisy on comms@banwellparishcouncil.org.uk.
Parish Council E-Newsletter - Tell us what you think!
You asked us to make an E-Newsletter, and we listened! We hope you are enjoying your Banwell content. We would like to know what you think - what do you like about the E-Newsletter, and what could we do to make it even better? Fill out our quick survey and let us know! Banwell E-Newsletter Feedback - Google Forms