It seems that after almost 100 years the Banwell Bypass might become a reality. 

We will keep you updated with the latest news, below.

Bypass Contractor Pulls Out

Alun Griffiths Contractors Ltd have told North Somerset Council that they will no longer deliver the Banwell bypass.  The full press release is available via the following link:

We are working with North Somerset to fully understand the implications. As set out within the press article, work is being done to ensure that planned works on site will continue as soon as possible so expect to see contractors onsite.  The hope is to be back on track in the Autumn.

Compulsory Purchases Orders granted for Banwell bypass

The Department for Transport has written to North Somerset Council to confirm the use of Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) needed to build the Banwell bypass.   This follows a public inquiry into the use of CPOs, held over the summer of 2023. At the inquiry, interested parties, including the council, presented evidence for and against the use of CPOs. An independent inspector leading the public inquiry then presented evidence to the Secretary of State for Transport, helping inform the decision to grant the use of CPO powers.

CPOs will be used to purchase land needed to build the bypass for cases where it could not be purchased by negotiation.  The Banwell bypass is funded through Homes England’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (see below). You can read more about the Banwell bypass on North Somerset Council's Banwell Bypass page

Filling the Funding Gap

The Banwell bypass has received additional government funding through Homes England following negotiations led by North Somerset Council. The council reported that unprecedented inflationary pressures and the rising price of energy and building materials were pushing up delivery costs for the project. 

North Somerset Council unanimously agreed an additional £11.9m of funding at their Full Council meeting in July 2022. This decision has been boosted by agreement from Homes England to close the remaining funding gap and extend the funding window through to March 2026. 

Councillor Mike Bell, Leader of North Somerset Council, said:

“It’s superb news that Homes England have strengthened their ongoing support with further funding to help us build the Banwell bypass. This is a strong endorsement of our flagship scheme and everything it can offer our communities. Banwell bypass is set to cut congestion through Banwell whilst unlocking land for future development, providing the infrastructure needed to support growth in our area. It’s also set to deliver miles of new walking, cycling and horse-riding paths, as well as improvements to biodiversity and local habitats. We’re grateful for Homes England and Government support for the Banwell bypass. The additional funding helps us continue our hard work to build the scheme.”

Find out more about the Banwell bypass on North Somerset Council's Banwell Bypass page.

Banwell Bypass Planning Applications

The Banwell Bypass planning application reference is 22/P/1768/R3EIA

To view all related planning application documents, please search this reference code on the North Somerset Council Planning Applications page.

Proposed Route

Over the years there have been many routes considered for the Banwell Bypass.  In 2022, one route was selected and consulted on.  The consultation booklets and bypass plans from the 2022 consultation are available to read online.

Below is an indicative map of the proposed route.

A map of the proposed route for the Banwell Bypass. The proposed bypass is marked from Banwell West Junction roundabout to Banwell East Junction, via Wolvershill Junction, Moor Road Junction, and Riverside and Banwell Overbridge. Proposed placemaking improvements are labelled on Knightscott Road.

Below is an outline timetable for the process.  This will be updated as we get more information.

Key Milestones

1. Council grant decision - June 2020.
2. Procuremnet plan approvals - Summer 2020.
3. Signing grant agreement - August 2020.
4. Begin advanced surveys - August 2020.
5. Appoint designers - April 2021.
6. Design optioneering - Spring/Summer 2021
7. Six- week public consultation on options - July 5th until August 16th 2021
8. Decision made on preferred bypass route - Late Summer 2021.  Route 2 selected. Click here for press release
9. Detailed design of preferred bypass route - Autumn / Winter 2021. 
10. Pre planning application consultation on bypass design -10 March to 22 April 2022*
11.  Planning application submission - July 2022 Consulation ends 27th August  APPROVED                                                                                                                                     

12. CPO (Compulsory Purchase Order) Public Inquiry - Summer 2023 July 11th APPROVED
13. Expected start on site to begin environemental mitigation - Spring 2024
14. Expected start on site to begin build - Summer 2024

15. Open to Traffic - April 2026