Banwell Local Business Directory

A-Z of local businesses in Banwell

Banwell Parish Council is not responsible for endorsing businesses or for external links, but want to encourage parishioners to support their local shops, cafes and retailers. Please contact us if you feel a Banwell business has not been featured and would like to be added to the directory.
Allergy Testing UK
To book an allergy test, contact 01934 824056 / 07747 800097 or email
Animal Time Dog Walking and Pet Care Services
Telephone - 07711835782 Email - Website: Animal Time
Anita Butcher: The Sober Seamstress
Email: Phone: 01934 820721
Banwell Blooms - Floral Design
Louise Nixon. Telephone - 07789482591.
Banwell Garden Centre & Cafe
Garden centre contact number: 01934 822246 Café contact number: 01934 824137. Email Website: Banwell Garden Centre
Banwell Joinery
Tel: 01934 824092 Website: Banwell Joinery | Bespoke Joinery & CNC Services
Banwell Monthly Market
Locally produced locally produced food and crafts from Banwell and the surrounding area (2nd Saturday of the month). Call Louise Nixon 07789482591 for more details.
Banwell Property Maintenance
Tel: 07584 941293; Email:; For all interior painting and decorating
Browns Carpentry
Website: Facebook: Phone: 07747800425
Chillies Takeaway
Call on 822775 / 824920.
Community Masks
Contact the team through the Community Masks Facebook page.
Chunky Reclaimed Funiture
Visit Chunky Reclaimed Furniture - chunky furniture handmade in Somerset or contact Guy on 07789 381989.
Drinks Kitchen
visit contact:
Ian Studley Cars
Email: Phone: 01934 842224
Jane's Deli & Bakery
Contact / 07940 021190
Maddy Casey Printmaker
Visit Maddy Casey Printmaker (
Monster of Lashes
Makeup artist. Email- Phone- 07772655830
Sento Martial Arts
Phone - 07557 569986, Email:
The Bell Inn
For information on bookings and pub opening times, contact 01934 822330 or visit The Bell in Facebook page.
The Brewers Arms
For information on bookings and pub opening times, contact 01934 820609 or
The Remote Doctor
For car & motorcycle keys. Contact Ian 07899 827427
Towerbrook Christmas Trees
Conact / 07585111865
Waywick Farm DIY Horse Livery (off Silver Moor Lane)
Please see our website or ring 07764819482