The Cemetery & Memorials Committee is responsible for the general running of the area.
This covers the arranging of maintenance works, grass cutting, etc. as well as carrying out regular inspections of the memorials and their safety. Work to stabilise a number of headstones was carried out during 2012.
The cemetery itself was opened in the late 1950s. It is divided into sections. The largest area is used for conventional burials.
We have recently extended the cremation area along the north wall of the cemetery to take into account the increasing demand for this form of interment. There is also a Roman Catholic section as well as, sadly, an area set aside for children's burials.
At its commissioning, the cemetery was consecrated by a minister from the Bath and Wells diocese. However, interment is offered to those of all faiths or none. Our only condition is that the deceased was either a resident of, or had strong links with, the parish of Banwell.
From time to time, the Committee carries out general enhancement programmes in the cemetery. For example, a new 'Garden of Remembrance' was completed several years ago.
There are several benches, kindly donated by parishioners in memory of loved ones, which can be used for those wishing to take the time for a period of quiet reflection.
In common with many cemeteries locally, we are approaching the point where we are going to run out of burial space. The Committee has discussed several possible sites for an extension.